Dating a law student thought catalog
Dating > Dating a law student thought catalog
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Dating > Dating a law student thought catalog
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When you were in college, have you even spent time in the library? They will challenge you until they are blue in the face…even if you are obviously correct. For coffee or tea lovers, their library is a coffee shop or tea house.
Retrieved 17 February 2017. Retrieved 16 November 2016.
Survival Guide For Dating A Law Student - Retrieved 17 February 2017. And that cave is made up of jurisprudence, law provisions, terror teachers, and excruciating exams.
Why Do You Want to Be a Lawyer? Walking into the courtroom is an exceptional experience. Observing a legal procedure that you have been studying is a priceless memory. The First Time You Look at your Professor and Realize You Like This Person. Yes, law school is supposed to be serious especially if you have strict professors. But not all law school professors are like that or should I say, scary. The First Time You Are Completely Equipped With Pens and Highlight Markers. You can leave home or work without your phone but never without pens or highlight markers. The First Time You Spend the Whole Day or Week Digesting 20-40 Cases or even more. The bad news is if you have to write your case digests on yellow pad and that means preparing your hand and writing legibly. When you were in college, have you even spent time in the library? Yes but perhaps, for a short time only. The library becomes your second home especially during midterms or finals. For coffee or tea lovers, their library is a coffee shop or tea house. Recitation has never been the same since you enter law school. Your professor calls your name and asks you to recite. The First Time You Get Scolded By Your Professor and Feel Humiliated. Remember the first taste of humiliation? There was no whip, but words. Dura lex, sed lex; and law professors can be harsh, too. Professors hate students murmuring or talking while they are discussing. Law school may be your first love but it may also be your first heartbreak. And it hurts, deeply hurts. Anything can happen in law school and this includes getting a failing grade. It feels like being blown to bits by the grenade of failure and rejection. It dating a law student thought catalog be a privilege to have your heart broken by law school. Is law school a good deal after all? Is it worth your time and money?.